Smart and simple
Dynamic Display System helps you to share information and content with your customers or employees. Good communication is a label of quality!

No specific knowledge needed!

Any content such as live sources (weather forecast, news, RSS, …), physical files (videos, audios, pictures, logos, …) or imported files (excel, powerpoint, …) can be displayed on TV screens connected to DDS. The whole system is administered through a website. You don’t need to install any application locally on your own computer.
Our unique styling system let you define your own fonts, colours, alignment, …
Screen designer
Define your own layout! Screen size or resolution do not matter: quality of the displayed content is always optimal! Attractivity can be increased using horizontal and vertical screens!
Take advantage of the integrated scheduling system to plan the duration and the appearance of the prepared screens.
If you use a touch screen, you can easily add user interactivity!
DDS is very dynamic and offers other functionalities not described on this website. If you think something is missing to fit your requirements, we will be pleased to hear it from you! We are there to help and open for suggestions to build an even better future version.
Display options
  • Multilanguage
  • Time / Date
  • News / feeds / RSS
  • Images
  • Videos / audios
  • Streams / capture device / TV / DVD
  • Ticker (text + image)
  • International weather forecast
  • Schedule / Planning (bus, trains, meetings, …)
  • File import (excel, powerpoint, ...)
  • Text / messages / alarm
  • Products
  • Data table
  • Watch folders
  • Sensors
  • Interactive buttons
  • Stores
    • Attract clients with animated content
    • Powerful communication solution
    • Save cost on adverts / promotions
  • Inform people
    • Inform your employees
    • Welcome people at the reception
    • Guide customers
    • Looks professional and increases confidence
  • Advertisement
    • Increase attractivity by using dynamic contents
    • Increase revenue by removing printing costs
    • Prepare and update campaigns remotely
    • Display campaigns on screens located in many different places