Easy and powerful scheduling
The scheduler is a powerful tool that helps you to organise any pre-prepared screen in a layer based schedule. The screens in a layer are displayed one after the other. Currently displayed screen depends on some conditions.
A single screen can be valid:
  • on some specific days of the week
  • between two dates
  • on each day between two time of the day
  • as a combination of any of those above
Imagin the schedule below has been applied for display on a TV. At the beginning:
  • On layer 1, screen 1 is taken and drawn on the display with its background
  • On layer 2, screen 3 is taken and drawn without its background as the same time as layer 1
  • On layer 3, screen 4 is taken and drawn with its semi transparent background (used as overlay) as the same time as layer 1 and layer 2
Imagin now you are 10 seconds later. Screen 1 and screen 4 are no more valid (because the duration ended) and the schedule must be redrawn as below:
  • On layer 1, screen 2 is taken and drawn on the display with its background
  • On layer 2, screen 3 is always valid as this is the only one
  • On layer 3, empty screen is taken and nothing is displayed
If we were at the same time as before (10 seconds) with the schedule below it would have been totally different:
  • On layer 1, screen 2 is taken and drawn on the display with its background
  • On layer 2, screen 3 is not valid (due to some conditions like no display on Mondays). So nothing is drawn.
  • On layer 3, empty screen is not valid, so screen 5 is taken and drawn without its background
This situation is different than the others. No screens of the schedule are currently valid. In this case, and only in this case, nothing else than the default screen is displayed with its background.
Even if the default screen would not have been valid when used in a schedule, it will still be displayed as nothing else is available.